Adventures of Scooter Girl

Midlife crisis spurred my best purchase ever: My 2004 Vespa ET4, 150 ccs of fun.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

First time for everything

So we're only five years into the new millennium and I thought I would get on board with the online journal. Part of my ongoing effort to master the technology that surrounds me.

So Hurricane Katrina appears to have bypassed Sarasota, although you never know what any storm will do once it's out there in the Gulf. We had clouds all day, some rain this afternoon. Not enough to refill the perpetually leaking pool, which is rapidly moving to the top of the "Fix Now!" list. I reworked C's dress from H&M so it fits better, she says. Finished the actual knitting of the navy shell I started dang near a year ago. Now to do the finish work and get it ready to actually wear. My first non-scarf knitting project for myself -- baby sweaters aplenty, but nothing for me.

Then we went to see "Madagascar" at the dollar movies. Worth about that much. Cute. Nothing especially memorable. Tonight: C works on her crochet. Steve plays guitar. I do this, and then return to knitting project. I would like to figure out how to post my 101 in 1001 list as well!


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