Adventures of Scooter Girl

Midlife crisis spurred my best purchase ever: My 2004 Vespa ET4, 150 ccs of fun.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Happy new dishwasher

I know, not that exciting. But our dishwasher, original equipment in the house, was noisy and didn't do that great a job. Finally it died, once and for all, after the top rack had been busted for what, a year? I followed my usual method of shopping for major appliances: look it up on Consumer Reports, call Mullet's Appliances, arrange for delivery. Despite a minor foul-up on timing (call my cell phone? Why would you do that to tell me when you'd come?) all worked out, and a nice new Whirlpool dishwasher is installed. Too bad we won't be home for dinner the next two nights so won't run it before Sunday, probably.

In other news, had a great time in Wichita and Winfield last weekend. Drooled over the whole cheap real estate scene there but would be astonished if Steve acted on the offer that he be the breadwinner, me the domestic goddess and move back to the Midwest.

Thrilling weekend plans: Galloway tomorrow, balance the evil checkbook, file some papers, see if Sarah can help me get my address book coordinated with the Franklin Covey software. Woo-hoo! And some knitting. And mandolin playing. Starting right now.


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