Happy New Year!!!!
Resolved for 2006:
Act like a grownup about money. Keep checkbook balanced. Pay bills. Do not buy stuff I do not need (which leaves a pretty short list!). Pay down credit card balance RELIGIOUSLY. And pray about it. I have come to the amazing conclusion that I might actually get some help from On High if I ask for it. Not as in, send me money. As in, help me to behave in a fiscally responsible manner.
And... off to a good start, I have balanced my hideous checkbook, put in a nice clean check register for 2006. Paid off two credit card balances with the money I took out of AG Edwards and will still put $1250 toward the evil Capital One account when the bill comes around. I hope it's not in my pile o bills. BUT!!!! I am also industriously engaged in the paperwork filing effort today and hope to get THAT current ASAP. As in, TODAY.
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